It’s all about future vision

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Future Vision


How it changed my life

For years, I had struggled with reading at school and home. I remember the first time I was asked to read in class; the experience was horrifying. It was like the words had come alive, and some were in a battle right there in the book. No one could understand my plight; I felt I would continue to struggle with my sight being this way. After learning how to leave with my condition
and adapting to the harsh reality’s life had given me. I stumbled on a website, and my interest peaked.
I am always fascinated by anything that has to do with eye technology; although I had succumbed to the way my life was, I still hoped for a shining light. Reading through the reviews, I was mesmerized. How can a glass have the ability of a microscope? I thought to myself, “This is insane.”
Morning came in like a cool breeze as I spent the whole night checking the site for more answers. The fascination heightened when I got to one of their locations. It was quick and effortless. I did a few tests, nothing out of the ordinary, but my whole world stopped when I put on the glasses.
There was nothing that could describe this feeling. It was like I had never opened my eyes before; I finally could see the designs on my shirt, the dirt in my nails, the birthmark that I thought was small. I just started living.
A tear welled up in my eyes as I stood outside admiring the wonders of the world, I did not want to go home. I felt if I stayed a little bit longer, I might see more things.


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    Micro Eyewear

    341 E. Cresent Ln Detroit MI 48207